To claim what you are entitled to from a dispute you need a defined course of action and a strategy.
A claim starts with the first communication with the other side. That Commumication; face to face, email or letter, should be made based on a clear understanding of the basis of your case .(See “Clarity”). It should also be made with a clear purpose: Are you trying to establish negotiating principles, trying to obtain information or setting out your opening position?
Communicating without understanding the basis and prospects of your case and without a purpose is done all too often. It leads to interminable exchanges of letters between solicitors, which at best does little to advance your case or at worst leads to thoughtless concession that can have significant consequences down the line. In any case it will certainly increase your costs.
With a clear strategy each step of the case will lead you towards your desired result, whether that is by settlement or through court action.