Full and frank disclosure
An application for a Freezing Order is made Without Notice, so the other side will not be present at the first hearing of the application. To try to ensure fairness, as the applicant you have a duty to the Court to disclose all relevant material.
This means that even matters that have been raised by the other side need to be put before the Court. To knowingly mislead the Court, even by omission, is a criminal offence.
Failure to comply with the obligation of full and frank disclosure could result in the application being dismissed with an adverse costs order. You may also be ordered to pay compensation for any loss suffered by the other side.
In the case of Brink’s Mat Ltd v Elcombe [1988] 1 WLR 1350 (12 June 1987) and the courts decision on full and frank disclosure.
The following principles regarding the principle of full and frank disclosure were deduced:
(1) The duty of the applicant is to make “a full and fair disclosure of all the material facts:”
(2) The material facts are those which it is material for the Judge to know in dealing with the application as made: materiality is to be decided by the Court and not by the assessment of the applicant or his legal advisers
(3) The applicant must make proper inquiries before making the application: The duty of disclosure therefore applies not only to material facts known to the applicant but also to any additional facts which he would have known if he had made such inquiries
(4) The extent of the inquiries which will be held to be proper, and therefore necessary, must depend on all the circumstances of the case including (a) the nature of the case which the applicant is making when he makes the application; and (b) the order for which application is made and the probable effect of the order on the defendant.
(5) If material non-disclosure is established the court will be “astute to ensure that a plaintiff who obtains [a without notice injunction] without full disclosure … is deprived of any advantage he may have derived by that breach of duty.!