He is the guide, explaining the process in detail and getting your expectations right. He also ensures you stay the course and focus on what is important.
He is the strategist, always thinking two steps ahead and very agile in changing circumstances.
He is the fighter, who is not afraid to tell the other side with complete conviction and determination that we will win our case and that they have no chance! And he is persuasive!
It is rewarding to see how he wipes the arrogant smiles off the faces of the other side.
He has a unique ability to see through the bullshit; the distractions, the threats, the aggression and even foul play, and focus on what’s vital.
He is the negotiator, experienced in responding to tactical ploys and provocation and avoiding traps. Above all focusing on the merits of the case!
But most importantly he is a very decent human being, who sympathises with you and is there to help you at each stage of the process. He also understands your emotional, economic and commercial situation and adjusts his approach accordingly.
He also has a great team around him, including Agnese, Gabriel, Hannah and others.
I wouldn’t wish it upon to anyone to have to go through litigation, but if you have no other alternative, then choosing the right litigation specialist is critical and that is Christopher Burgon and his firm.